Living a life for God to leave a lasting legacy

Thursday, May 26, 2016


Cherish the moment before it becomes a memory. – Author Unknown

Why is it so hard for me to stop working and just have fun? Why is it so hard for me to just pause and take in the beauty of each day. Other people have no trouble doing this. They look for any reason to drop all the work files, ditch the house cleaning, postpone the cooking, turn off the computer, and head to the movies. Or the lounge. Or the mall. Or the park. Or shopping. Or dancing. Sometimes I wish I were more like that. But then even though I like to have some fun, I'm the one who wants to make sure we get all the work done first — before any fun begins. The only problem is that the work is never done. When one is done, another one is waiting right there to get started.

A few years ago through a mutual friend I had the distinct privilege of becoming friends with this amazing guy. We exchanged contacts and kept in touch with each other. It didn't take long for me to realize what an amazing person I had become friends with. He’s very passionate and excited about everything in life. Even the smallest insignificant stuff gives him a reason to see beauty all around him. One thing was unmistakable to me about him, his passionate embrace of the magnificent and how simply he took life. He’s a friend I hardly ever see but we talk from time to time. Every time I have a conversation with him, there’s always a reason to see the beauty and splendor all around me. For him everything was beautiful and amazing in its own way. He would encourage me to take a break off work, have fun, spend time with people, hang out, and go partying. "Just take a break, relax and have fun" he would say. "It's not all about work, there is life outside work."

Talking to him always jolted my heart telling me to ignore the uptight part of me that took everything too seriously or the task-oriented part of me that wanted to work and tune out what was going on around me. The problem with people like me though we fail to admit it, is that sooner or later we get bored with all the things we surround ourselves with because we are too focused on the task at hand begging for our attention. We learn to appreciate the simplest of things in our lives only when it becomes a rarity. Sometimes we don’t realize how big the little things in life really are. The little things in our everyday routine are what unite us to the bigger things in life. The small enjoyable things are all around us. Oh, how easy it is to get carried away with so many distractions that cloak our everyday life. We lose sight of the grandeur and colorful art that exist even in the most insignificant places. Maybe we all need a reminder. Something that constantly reminds us of the beauty that lies around. Someone just like my friend that bumps us out of the world we have built for ourselves to see the beauty and fun that lies around us and live in the moment. To take out time to love and appreciate those we care about. 

My idea of loving others is often shown by serving them. But some people feel loved when I simply spend time with them. And for some, that time needs to be a little less task-oriented and a lot more laughter-filled. Now I have to be intentional about having fun. Initiate getting together with others. Say yes when invited. Stretch outside my comfort zone. Exchange more pleasantries with colleagues. Let my hair down and just laugh like no one is watching. Enjoy the amazing weather. Smell the freshness in the morning air on my way to work. Appreciate everything no matter how tiny.

The truth is work will always be there — but the people might not be and the moments might be gone.

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