Living a life for God to leave a lasting legacy

Friday, December 16, 2016


Relishing my cup of hot chocolate I could smell something in the air. There was just something about the atmosphere that felt a bit special for a few minutes . . . it was the smell of Christmas . . . I giggled when I remembered my childhood memories of Christmas. Oh yes . . . Traditionally, every festive season, birthdays and special occasion was a thing to look forward to in my family. My mum always wants to celebrate and be happy not to forget my dad who was also fun loving. The house gets decorated; the Christmas cards and hampers keep rolling in; picnics and parties get planned; a lot to eat and drink; lots and lots of cooking, visits from friends and family, gifts and so many more. However, whatever the plan was, we always spent every festive season together as a family. As we grew older the fun in it started to drop because one after the other we had to start leaving home and moving on with different pursuits of life. I loved holidays then but I suddenly realized I am not a big fan of plenty celebrations and all. I would rather stay where ever I am, get enough movies, a few good friends and chocolates to keep me company . . . *smiles*. 

So that morning when I smelt Christmas, I had smiles on my face and I thought to myself “I need to write something about Christmas”. I pondered on what to write on my way to work the next day. Should I write something about the list of movies to watch during Christmas (I love Christmas movies). Should I write on the list of gifts to get for loved ones by the way my sister taught me the art of giving during Christmas, no matter how little the gift was, she would make lots of gift boxes and careful ensure every gift she got was beautifully wrapped. Should I write on places to visit during Christmas? Should I write on activities to do during Christmas? Finally I thought “what’s the point writing about the holidays when I don’t even have plans for myself”.

Awesomely, I walked into the office that day and I saw a colleague wearing a Christmas cap . . . yes the white and red Christmas cap. She wore it elegantly throughout the day not minding she was the only one wearing a Christmas cap in the office. I didn’t get to ask her reason for wearing the Christmas cap but every time I bumped into her that day I had a look of admiration. For her Christmas had started whatever her reason was. She didn’t have to wait until the 25th to celebrate the holidays. She was already making it what she wanted it to be. So I asked myself what will be my reason for celebrating this holiday and what do I want for the holiday. What do I want for Christmas? Before close of work that day I already knew what I needed to write about . . . What is your reason . . . ? 

The holiday is just around the corner. For some people, that thought spurs exciting memories of beautifully decorated tables filled with scrumptious meals, festive shopping, vacation, partying, family time, and brightly wrapped gifts . . . For some others, they are totally indifferent because it just affords them enough time to rest and take some days off the hustle and bustle of each day. And surprisingly for a few others, who due to one reason or the other do not see the need to be merry – especially those who have had a difficult time of some sort in the course of the year - the holiday season is a very difficult and dark time that is to be endured rather than enjoyed. I was walking down the office hallway with my friends and we saw an office beautifully adorned with Christmas decoration. One of us then said “when would the decoration for our office arrive”. My other friend smiled and said “the money for that would rather be used for something else”. He had said this in view of the latest slogan everywhere “economic recession” . . . lol. Then again he said “in fact what’s merry about the Christmas”. Immediately it hit me again that for you to really appreciate and enjoy this holiday, you would need a reason. Later that day sharing a drink with my friend over some conversation, without saying it out in my head I knew I had an answer to the question he had asked earlier. My answer was “you have been my friend all through the year, that’s one reason to celebrate the holidays”. Another reason I have to celebrate is because Christmas this year falls on a Sunday and I would get to go to church to celebrate the Christmas with God. Another reason I have to celebrate is because I became an aunt this year with the gift of Oluwatamilore and Nadiv. Another reason is the excitement of getting an opportunity to go gift shopping. I sure do have a lot of reasons.

The end of the year is a time I think we should find a reason to celebrate in whatever way we can . . . if we choose to focus on the victories and joys we have experienced during the year, the good times of many laughter, the everyday little miracles, the fun times with friends and family, the precious gift of true friendship, we will definitely find a reason to celebrate this holiday. Let us put aside the economic recession, the challenges around, the stop gap . . . *some people with understand what this means* and so on.

Christmas can be a true celebration of fresh starts and new beginnings. A period you take time off your busy schedule and just give yourself a nice treat. Perhaps you wanna go to the park with the children riding on horse backs, playing games and taking a roller coaster ride. You could be like my colleague who without knowing gave me an inspiration to write this piece. You could decide to put a smile on someone’s face with a surprise gift no matter how little. You could be like a special friend of mine who ensures we come together at the beginning of every year to have plenty fun.

Find a reason to celebrate the holidays. Take off the hat, let your hair down, laugh so hard, dance around a little, and make memories . . . enjoy this holiday.