Living a life for God to leave a lasting legacy

Friday, August 22, 2014


Presenting a certain face to the world is something that most people are very familiar with.  You have a day when you’re feeling a bit off colour and yet if people ask you if there’s something wrong you tell them that you’re feeling fine and give them a big smile.  Beneath the mask of sounding positive, you’re keeping your true feelings to yourself.  This is something that is very common and something we all do. The different masks people wear in the course of a day act as social disguise and help them get through a variety of situations. The reasons we develop masks are complex but there’s no doubt that character, parenting and culture all take part in the early moulding. Say you’re brought up in a family or culture where self-control is valued and emotion scorned. You might construct a tough, nothing-can-touch-me persona that dismisses difficulties and looks down on those who show flaws as weak.

The greatest actors aren’t necessarily the ones we see on tv. Sometimes they are the people right beside us who hide behind the perfect mask, too scared to show that they don’t have it all together. I know, because often times I find myself wearing that mask. I didn’t even realize I’ve been wearing the mask for months now until one cold morning when I woke up trying to get ready for work as usual but I just couldn’t get out of bed, I could not stop the tears from rolling, I just couldn’t wear the mask of “all is well” anymore. I remember it very clearly because it was one of my hardest weeks. In the morning I would put on a very happy mask and go to work and start the acting. I would work, play, and even laugh with everyone but when I got back home at the end of the day, I was left to face the real person behind that mask. I was too scared to let down the mask because I could not let anyone see that I didn’t have it all together. And it was during that period that I learnt a very important lesson… a lesson on taking off that mask that I put on.

The mask that so often hides what I was really feeling on the inside. The mask that hides the fact that I don’t have it all together. The mask that hides the fact that I cried myself to sleep every night. We all wear masks from time to time: in our words, our habits, and our practices. We have an arsenal of crutches and shortcuts that slowly but surely hide who we are. They are things that prop us up and help us hide. We hide from our feelings and our desires. We hide from who we might become. We cover a lot of things up. Scars we carry, stories we hold, work we're afraid of doing. It's not terrible to have masks, but they can't be our only way of dealing with the world. If we spend the entire time warding off the world and hiding from ourselves, we'll miss the best parts. By hiding from the world, we hide ourselves, and we lose a piece of our souls. Many of us have lost touch with ourselves, our souls, with the tender, tired, scared part of itself. Let me share my story. 

I usually wake up early and set off for work as early as possible so I can get to the office, settle down and feel relaxed before work starts. My desk is close to the corridor, so I would smile and greet everyone who walks into the office and sometimes catch up with a few colleagues to have a good time. But this Monday morning as I sat in the car on my way to work, that was the last place I wanted to be. How could I possibly go to work to be surrounded by 60 happy, “having it all together” people when I felt like I was falling apart on the inside? How could I possibly put a fake smile on my face and act like I was okay when I wasn’t? But I knew that I couldn’t let myself stay alone at home. There’s nothing worse than isolating yourself when you are down. You always need to be around good people that love you and will be there to encourage you. So although I had no desire to do anything but stay in bed all day and cry, I decided that I had to go to work. But I would try not to talk to anyone. I would just bury my head in my laptop and act like I was engrossed with work. But deep down inside I was tired of wearing the mask, I just wanted to be open, vulnerable, transparent not trying to be perfect, not having it all together. I didn’t want to hide behind the mask. I didn’t want to worry about what people thought of me just because I wasn’t perfect or I was down. And I thought to myself… “maybe today I can do it, maybe I can put my mask down, maybe I can actually tell someone that I’m not okay, maybe I can be a little vulnerable, maybe, just maybe…

The first person I saw was my friend and partner and with a big smile on her face she asked me how I was doing, to which I replied “Good!”… of course. What else could I say? And once again, that mask was up. As usual I went back to smiling and greeting everyone. I got back home from work that day and the mask was off again. I was back to the little world I had built for myself too afraid to let anyone in then I prayed to God to just give me a sign that it was ok to talk to a friend. Unexpectedly that night I got a message from an acquaintance who I had never had a personal conversation with and he asked how I was doing without having to wear the mask I said I was not fine but I didn’t wanna talk about it. Then he asked to share a story with me. His little boy of 5 had been diagnosed with cancer and he was lying on the hospital bed. At that moment I realized I was not alone.  I was not the only one that didn’t have it all together, that was confused about what was going on in my life, and that was going through a few trials. The inspiration in it was if a 5 year old child was fighting cancer and still surviving then I could let down my mask, be vulnerable and truly talk to a friend. I got to work the following day without the mask. I called two of my close friends and colleagues that I could trust, I told them I was not fine and everything around me seems to be falling apart. I could not hold back the tears any more. At the end they encouraged me and told me I was not the only one going through stuff.  But after that moment my spirit lifted… and I smiled genuinely. Because I had put my mask down and I was willing to accept that I didn’t have it all together.

And after putting that mask down I found out that I wasn’t the only one wearing a mask. That I wasn’t the only one not okay at that moment. And that made me feel good. The truth is its okay not to be okay. A good old friend told me “hey, it’s okay not to have it all together but just make sure you get the help you need and you don’t stay down for too long.” It’s okay to not be the perfect person that you think everyone expects you to be. It’s okay to not have everything figured out in life. My sister called me up one morning and said “it’s okay if you feel so down and not sure what to do next”. Then she further said “whatever you choose to do I got your back but just understand that giving up isn’t an option, you must choose a path and follow it”. 

I got the inspiration to share this from my little 5 year old friend, I call him Little Prince. As a little child he wouldn’t even have to worry about wearing a mask. If he’s in pain he just shows it naturally, if he’s happy he just shows it naturally, all he needs to do is just stretch out his hands to his parents. His parents might not be able to take the pain away but knowing they understand and are there is what keeps the Little Prince going. Just like my Little Prince I don’t have to wear the mask and that doesn’t also mean that I have to tell the whole world about how I feel or wear my heart on my sleeve. But it made me understand that I needed to find that one person I could trust and be open with and oh how well that worked out for me . . . I had a lot of positive, supporting friends and family who stood right by my side holding my hand all the way. Friends who kept loving me all the way without looking down on me for not having it all together. Right now I still don’t have it together but then I don’t have to wear my mask. Like my Little Prince I just stretch out my hands to the friends God has placed in my life. 

You should choose to be a little vulnerable and transparent about what you’re going through. Often times when you put your mask down you will see that people will put theirs down too. Some people will hide behind their masks forever. Some people will never allow themselves to be a little vulnerable… which I think is tragic. There are many things we can learn from one another’s struggles, pains, and trials. And there is a lot of love and support we could give and receive.

In the end, we all wear masks. Sometimes unknowingly. Sometimes on purpose. But the truth is we all have struggles, we all have insecurities, we all have pain. We all have gone through trials, face temptations, and make mistakes. We all fail, we all fall, we all don’t always measure up to the “ideal” person we want to be. We all come up short somewhere. And we are all broken human beings in need of a merciful and loving God who knows us just the way we are and loved us enough to die for us anyway. Don’t worry about being perfect. Don’t worry about having it all together. Don’t worry about wearing your mask. Whatever you are going through, someone has already been there. Whatever you are facing right now, someone is facing it too. Whatever battles you are fighting, someone has fought that same battle too. Always know that wherever you are at right now, you are not the only one there. Every time I thought of giving up I remember my Little Prince going through what is worse than mine so instead of beating myself up about my situation I just pray for him. Every time I feel like giving up again I remember the words of my friends who kept holding my hand and believing in me. Sometimes all it takes is putting that mask down to help us realize that we are not alone.

Thursday, August 7, 2014


What I've Learned About Friendship

I've learned that there are many good friends around, but true friends are hard to come by.

I've learned that a true friend is more important than a boyfriend.

I've learned that you can do something or nothing with a true friend and still have the best time.

I've learned that true friendship has many memories, both good and bad, but all important.

I've learned that when a true friend is happy, you find yourself happy too, even when it has nothing to do with you.

I've learned that a true friend's family soon feels like your own.

I've learned that the only one who truly understands is a true friend.

I've learned that nothing ever sounds stupid, funny, or unbelievable to a true friend, and you never feel stupid saying whatever it is.

I've learned that sometimes it feels like a true friend is the only one who will ever care about you and think you are beautiful in your own way.

I've learned that you always have that something extra to give to a true friend in need, and can count on that in return.

I've learned that your heart is forever touched by a true friend, no matter how things end up.

I've learned that when your heart has been broken, a true friend is the best band-aid for it.

I've learned that a true friend will call you in the middle of the night to talk without thinking, and it's OK.

I've learned that in many cases, a hug and a kind word from a true friend is the only thing that helps get you through the day.

I've learned that a true friend would stick up for you no matter what the consequences are.

I've learned that true friends can sing at the top of their lungs and not worry about singing the wrong words or being out of tune.

I've learned that true friends stay up all night and on the phone for hours talking without even realizing it.

I've learned that sometimes a true friend is all you have.

I've learned that sometimes you wonder how she knew, but then you realize that's just how close you are.

I've learned that when you are true friends, everyone else knows it.

I've learned that, most importantly of all, true friends will always be true friends, no matter what is happening in their lives, where they are, or what they are doing. A true friend is irreplaceable. 

Friday, August 1, 2014


Dear True Friends,

Woke up this morning with mixed feelings not having a clue what to expect today, you might wonder why I would wake up with that kind of feeling on a special day like this. Yes am so grateful to God for the gift of life but I didn’t know if I should cry, or laugh, or scream, or dance, or party, or go shopping, or just stay in bed all day. There are times in life when we get our own fair share of tough times. Times when nothing seems to make sense because you have been let down by the one you trusted the most, or you have been betrayed by the one you love, or you have been turned down by the one you thought would always be there for you. But then in times like that is when you tell who your true friends are, and who is only there for you during the great times when everything is going well. Fair weather friends may have your back during the good times in life, when being your friend has benefits and rewards, but if the tide turns these people are the first to disown you and run for the hills in order to put distance between you. A true friend will always be there for you no matter what you are going through in life, and when times get tough the true friends stick by your side and give you the support that you need to make it through. These are the people in your life that make it better, and they will stay even when being your friend costs them dearly. These are people who would make do all they can to see you smile again. These are people who would not give up on you even when you want to give up on yourself. They become your inspiration, motivation, joy, strength, shoulder, and smile. They are right there at every turn with words of sympathy and encouragement. 

Today has become an extremely special day for me because of the friends God has placed in my life. True friends indeed I would call them. In my friends I found confidants, sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers, guides, motivators, mentors, I can go on. To all my friends and my heaven sent siblings I want to say a big thank you. Thank you for being you and for letting me be me. Thank you for letting me feel so much like myself when I’m with you. Thank you for not making me wear any masks or put on any fronts. Thank you for sharing in my happiest moments, and for genuinely feeling the same. Thank for listening to my saddest stories and radiating compassion and encouragement from wherever you are. Thank you for being the most beautiful person, inside and out. Thank you for making the world a better place, just by being in it. Thank you for making colors a little brighter, sunshine a little warmer, and hugs a little better. Thank you for loving more fiercely through it all. Thank you for making my happiness a priority. Thank you for never giving up on me. Thank you for the laughs, for the encouragements, for the motivation, and for everything in between. Thank you for being my rock, my anchor. Thank you for keeping me grounded when I feel like I might otherwise blow away. Thank you for all of the things you do, big and small. Thank you for always knowing what to say and for being one of life’s best teachers. Thank you for making fun of me when I deserve it, and for loving me when I don’t. Thank you for staying constant in a world full of change, and for keeping some normalcy in a world full of chaos. Thank you for making sure I am still your friend. Thank you for setting the bar so high and making it impossible to settle for anyone not worth my friendship.

Thank you for walking with me when I needed support, thank you for walking ahead of me when I needed guidance and thanks for walking behind me when I needed someone to watch my back. You gave me your shoulder to lean on when I was down, a piece of your mind when I was acting crazy, your hand to help me move on and your heart to heal all my worries. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for the absolute privilege and honor of being able to call you all my friends. Thank you for being my person. Thank you for giving me these reasons and a million more, to be thankful for. If I were to call names I would have a long list that never ends. My siblings Mayowa, Samuel, Dapo and Ladi. Life would never have been the same without you guys. Mrs Beita, Molly, Kofo, Morenike, Tosin Oduwole, Tosin Oduleye, Negho, Inioluwa my sisters, my friends, my inspiration, my joy, my rock. Mike, Nas, Dubiz, Gbenga, Majid, Sheena, Marvel, Ayomide, Oluwatosin, TO thank you for having my back. My friend Femi you have always been a brother and a friend through all times no matter the circumstance. Thank you to my MD you have been a father every step of the way. And of course my baby Nifemi, am always in love with you. 

Forever and Always,
Humble Me